19FT-817ND Operating ManualOPERATING B AND SELECTIONThis transceiver covers an incredibly wide fre-quency range, over which a number of differentoperating modes are used. Therefore, thistransceiver’s frequency coverage has been dividedinto different operating bands, each of with hasits own pre-set channel steps and operating modes.You can change the channel steps and operating mode once you get started, of course, perthe next section.To change the frequency band, press either the or key to move tothe next lower or higher operating band, respectively.1) Recalling the 5 MHz band (U.S. model) requires different procedure. See page22 for details.2) VFOa and VFOb are independent VFOs, so they may be set to different bands. See the“Stacked VFO System” discussion on page 21 for details.M ODE S ELECTIONPress either the or key tomove among the eight settings for the operatingmodes, respectively.You can also set VFOa and VFOb to different modes in the same band, allowingyou to have a “Phone” VFO and a “CW” VFO, for example.ADJUSTING THE AUDIO V OLUME L EVELRotate the knob to set a comfortable lis-tening level.When operating in the “DIG” or “PKT” modes,you may set the knob to any comfortablesetting, or even all the way off, because the out-put from the DATA jack is a fixed-level audio signal.Start with the knob set fully counter-clockwise, especially when using FM(the background noise on FM can be surprisingly loud)!OPERATION