42 FT-817ND Operating ManualAM TRANSMISSIONThe FT-817ND utilizes low-level amplitude modulation of an early stage for transmissionpurposes. This capability is primarily provided for emergency use only, as low-power op-eration typically utilizes more efficient transmission/reception modes.The AM carrier level is preset to 1.5 Watts during alignment at the factory, and should notrequire further adjustment. It is important to remember that AM transmission requires thatpower must be distributed among the carrier and voice sidebands; therefore, if excessivecarrier power is used, there will be insufficient power available for the information-carryingvoice sidebands.The AM microphone gain is preset at the factory to a value which typically provides goodaudio. If you need to modify the microphone gain in the AM mode, use Menu #05 (AMMIC). See page 60 for details.SPLIT F REQUENCY O PERATIONThis transceiver provides convenient split-frequency operation, using the VFO-A and VFO-B, for DX working and other operating situations requiring unique split frequency pairs.The example below will describe a typical split-frequency DX situation on the 20-meterband, with a DX station transmitting on 14.025 MHz, listening 10 kHz higher in the band.1. Set VFO-A to 14.035.00 MHz CW (DX station’s listening frequency).2. Press the key momentarily, then rotate the knob, as needed, until OperatingFunction Row [A/B, A=B, SPL].3. Press the (A/B) key momentarily to select VFO-B.4. Tune the VFO-B frequency to 14.025.00 MHz (DX station’s transmitting frequency).5. Press the (SPL) key momentarily. The transceiver will now transmit using the VFO-A frequency, and will receive using the VFO-B frequency. The “ ” icon will appearon the display.6. To listen to the pile-up calling the DX station (so as to align your frequency more closelyto that of the station being worked by the DX), press the (A/B) key to reverse theVFOs. You will now be tuning in the vicinity of 14.035 MHz, and you can zero in on theDX station’s listening frequency by tuning in on the station in QSO with the DX. Pressthe (A/B) key again to return to reception on the DX station’s frequency.7. Press the (SPL) key once more to cancel split operation; the “ ” icon will disap-pear from the display.TRANSMITTER O PERATION