Page 124 FT DX 9000MP OPERATION MANUALPacket operation is easily accomplished on the FT DX 9000MP by connecting your TNC (Terminal Node Controller) to thetransceiver, per the illustration. “Packet” operation also applies to SSB-based AFSK data modes, such as PSK31, etc.PACKET O PERATIONPACKET S ETUP (I NCLUDING S UBCARRIER F REQUENCY)BASIC S ETUPBefore operation can commence, some basic setup proce-dures must be performed, using the Menu, to configureyour radio for the data mode to be used.1. Press the PKT Mode switch (# ). For HF operation, SSB-based Data operation isgenerally used. One press of the PKT switchwill engage Packet operation in the “LSB” mode(by default). Both the “PKT” and “LSB” LEDswill become illuminated. If you need to do FM-based 1200-baud packet onthe 29/50 MHz bands, press the PKT switchonce more to engage the “PKT-FM” mode. the“PKT” and “FM” LEDs will both become illumi-nated.2. When the “transmit” command is received from theTNC, the transmitter of the FT DX 9000MP will auto-matically be engaged. Likewise, the command to re-turn to receive will cause the radio to revert to thereceive mode. If you need to adjust the output level from the ra-dio from the “DATA OUT” pin of the PACKETjack (pin 4), please do so at the TNC side. For theinput level from the TNC, as applied to the DATAIN pin of the PACKET jack (pin 1), please useMenu item [MODE-PKT 063 PKT GAIN]. During Packet operation via the rear panel’sPACKET jack, the front and rear panel MICjacks are both cut off, so you won’t have a “livemicrophone” problem during data operation.NoteIf you anticipate making data transmissions of longer thana few minutes, we recommend that you use the RF PWRcontrol (# ) to reduce the transmitter power to 1/2 ~ 1/3of its normal maximum.Quick PointPACKET Jack Specifications DATA IN (Pin 1)Input Level: 17mVrmsInput Impedance: 10 k-Ohms DATA OUT(Pin 4: Fixed level, does not respond to setting of AFGAIN or SQL control.)Output Level: 700 mVp-p max.Output Impedance: 10 k-OhmsMenu Mode SetupMODE-PKT 062 PKT DISP 0HzMODE-PKT 063 PKT GAIN 128MODE-PKT 064 PKT SHIFT 1000HzDATAOUTPTTDATAIN①⑤④③②PACKET PACKET JACK TNCPin 1Pin 2Pin 3Pin 4Pin 5DATA OUTGNDPTTDATA IN(SQL Control)