Page 31FT DX 9000MP OPERATION MANUALthe Audio Scope.NR KnobThis knob selects the optimum Main (VFO-A) band Digi-tal Noise Reduction response. The Noise Reduction cir-cuit is engaged via the NR switch (# below).NR SwitchThis button turns the Main (VFO-A) band DigitalNoise Reduction circuit on and off. When the DigitalNoise Reduction is activated, the LED inside the but-ton will glow umber. Adjustment of the Noise Reduc-tion level is provided by the NR knob (# above).VRF/μ SwitchThis button turns the Main (VFO-A) band VRF filteron and off. While activated, the LED inside the but-ton will glow red.Quick PointWhen the optional RF μ-Tuning Unit is installed,pressing this switch will engage the μ-Tuningpreselector function. The μ-Tuning Units providemuch better RF selectivity than any other RF filter inthe Amateur industry, yielding outstanding protectionfrom high RF levels not far removed from the currentoperating frequency.VRF/μ KnobThis knob tunes the passband of the Main (VFO-A)band receiver’s RF filter for maximum receiver sensi-tivity (and out-of-band interference rejection).Quick PointWhen the optional RF μ-Tuning Unit is installed, thisknob allows adjustment of the center frequency of theμ-Tuning filter passband.NOTCH KnobThis adjusts the center frequency of the Main (VFO-A) band IF Notch filter, when engaged by theNOTCH switch (# below).NOTCH SwitchThis button turns the Main (VFO-A) band IF notchfilter on and off. When the IF notch filter is activated,the LED inside the button will glow red. The NotchFilter center frequency is adjusted via the NOTCHknob (# above).Advice The width of the notch may be set to either “Wide”or “Narrow” via Menu #082 (IF-NOTCH-WIDTH)in the RX DSP Menu Group. Setting this selectionto “Narrow” will provide a very sharp notch, withminimal disturbance to the incoming signal wave-form. When the External Display (not supplied) is con-nected, you may use the Audio Scope on the Au-dio Scope/Oscilloscope page on the External Dis-play to help you adjust the setting of the Notchfilter control for the optimum performance. Theeffect of the Notch filter adjustments will be easyto see on the Audio Class AB to reduce the heat dissipation associatedwith Class A operation.SWR SwitchPressing this switch enables display of the antennasystem SWR; a red LED will light up to confirm yourselection. The SWR measured at the rear panel An-tenna Jack will be displayed during transmission.BAND KeysThese keys allow selection of the operating band.One key is provided for each Amateur band between1.8 MHz and 50 MHz (except for the 60-meter band,covered via the Memory system).As well, direct frequency entry of the desired operat-ing frequency may be accomplished using these keys.If you press and hold in the ENT key (associatedwith the BAND keys) for two seconds, white func-tion-indication tabs will appear along the bottom ofthe monitor screen, indicating the effects of pushingthe various BAND keys so as to execute commandsassociated with the particular display page selected.Pressing and holding in the ENT key once more (fortwo seconds or more) will disable the command keytabs, and will restore band selection using these keys.CONTOUR KnobThis knob selects the desired Main (VFO-A) bandCONTOUR filter response. The CONTOUR filter isengaged via the CONT switch (# below).CONT ButtonThis button turns the Main (VFO-A) band CONTOURfilter on and off. When the CONTOUR filter is acti-vated, the LED inside the button will glow umber. Ad-justment of the CONTOUR filter’s center frequencyis provided by the CONTOUR knob (# above).Quick NoteThere are times, when you’re trying to remove inter-ference with a sharp DSP filter, that the remaining sig-nal has a somewhat unnatural sound. this is caused bythe cutting of some frequency components, leavingother components in excess. The CONTOUR filterallows you (especially) to roll off certain frequencycomponents inside the remaining passband, but in asmooth manner that helps restore a natural sound and/or raise intelligibility.Advice The action of the CONTOUR filter (either null-ing or peaking of frequency components as youadjust the center frequency) may be adjusted viaMenu item [No.078 RX DSP MAIN-CON-TOUR-LEVEL] and [No.079 RX DSP MAIN-CONTOUR-WIDTH]. When the External Display (not supplied) is con-nected, you may use the Audio Scope on the Au-dio Scope/Oscilloscope page on the External Dis-play to help you adjust the setting of the Contourcontrol for the optimum performance. The effectof the Contour adjustments will be easy to see onFRONT P ANEL C ONTROLS