Page 90 FT DX 9000MP OPERATION MANUALSIGNAL Q UALITY E NHANCEMENT U SING THE P ARAMETRIC M ICROPHONE E QUALIZERThe FT DX 9000MP includes a unique Three-Band Parametric Microphone Equalizer, that provides precise, independentcontrol over the low-, mid-, and treble-ranges in your voice wave-form.Quick Point The Parametric Equalizer is a unique technique for adjusting the signal quality. Because the three ranges may beadjusted so precisely , it is possible to craft a response that provides a more natural and pleasant sound than you haveever experienced before. The Parametric Equalizer adjustments are applied independently to the front XLR (“Cannon”) and rear (8-pin) micro-phone jacks, so you can connect different microphones and customize the audio response that best suits each micro-phone.The aspects of configuration that you may adjust on the Parametric Equalizer are:Center Frequency: The center frequency of each of the three bands may be adjusted.Gain: The amount of enhancement (or suppression) within each band may be adjusted.Q: The bandwidth over which the equalization is performed may be adjusted.1. Connect the microphone to the front or rear micro-phone jack.2. Set the RF PWR control (# ) to its minimumvalue, so as not to cause interference to other usersduring adjustment.Advice Because the setup of the Parametric Equalizer forboth front and rear microphone jacks may takesome time, we recommend you consider connect-ing a dummy load to one of the Antenna jacks, andmonitor your signal on a separate receiver, so asto prevent interference to other users. You will have the best chance of hearing the ef-fects of adjustments if you wear headphones whilemonitoring your transmitted signal.3. Press the MONI switch (# ).4. Press the MNU key (# ) momentarily. The Menulist will appear on the LCD display.5. Rotate the Main Tuning Dial knob (# ) to findthe “EQ” Menu area, containing Menu Items 136through 153; these perain to the adjustment of the Para-metric Microphone Equalizer.6. Rotate the CLAR/VFO-B knob (# ) to performadjustments to a particular Menu item.7. Close the PTT switch, and speak into the microphonewhile listening to the effects of the changes you aremaking (in step 6). Because the overall effect on thesound will change with each adjustment you make,you should make several passes through each adjust-ment area, to be sure that you are achieving the opti-mum setting.8. When you have completed all adjustments, press andhold in the MNU key for two seconds to save thenew settings and exit to normal operation. If you onlypress the MNU key momentarily to exit, any changesyou performed will not be stored.SSB/AM M ODE T RANSMISSION (E NHANCING T RANSMIT S IGNAL Q UALITY )CLAR/VFO-B KnobMNU KeyMAIN Tuning Dial knobRF PWR KnobMONI Switch