Page 29FT DX 9000MP OPERATION MANUALNB Switch (except on FM mode)(Refer to Main (VFO-A): )This switch engages the Sub (VFO-B) band IF NoiseBlanker. Adjustment of the Noise Blanker level is pro-vided by the NB knob (# above).SHIFT WIDTH Knobs(except on FM mode)(Refer to Main (VFO-A): )SHIFT KnobThis knob adjusts the center frequency of the Sub(VFO-B) band receiver’s DSP filter, with an adjust-ment range of ± 1 kHz.WIDTH KnobThis knob varies the width of the IF DSP filter for theSub (VFO-B) band receiver.CONT Switch(Refer to Main (VFO-A): )This is the On/Off switch for the Sub (VFO-B) bandreceiver’s CONTOUR filter. When engaged, theCONT LED will glow Orange. Adjustment of the Sub(VFO-B) band CONTOUR filter’s frequency is pro-vided by the CONT knob (# below).CONT DNRCONT (Contour) (Refer to Main (VFO-A): )This knob provides adjustment of the Sub (VFO-B)band receiver’s CONTOUR filter frequency.AdviceUse the Menu items [RX DSP 080 SUB-CON-TOUR-LEVEL] and [RX DSP 081 SUB-CON-TOUR-WIDTH] to configure the Sub (VFO-B) bandrecevier’s CONTOUR filter.DNR Knob (Refer to Main (VFO-A): )This knob is used to select one of the 16 availablenoise reduction parameters for the Sub (VFO-B) bandrecevier’s Digital Noise Reduction system.DNR Switch(Refer to Main (VFO-A): )This button turns the Sub (VFO-B) band Digital NoiseReduction circuit on and off. When the Digital NoiseReduction is activated, the LED inside the button willglow umber. Adjustment of the Noise Reduction levelis provided by the DNR knob (# below).DNF Switch (Refer to Main (VFO-A): )This switch is the On/Off switch for the Sub (VFO-B)band receiver’s Digital Notch Filter. When turned On,the associated LED glows Umber.AF GAIN RF GAIN(Refer to Main (VFO-A): )AF GAIN KnobThis is the Sub (VFO-B) band receiver’s Volume (AFGAIN) control.RF GAIN KnobThis is the Sub (VFO-B) band receiver’s RF GAINcontrol, which adjusts the gain of the receiver’s RFand IF amplifier stages. This control is normally leftin the fully clockwise position.AFL Switch (Refer to Main (VFO-A): )Pressing this button activates the Audio (AF) Limitercircuit of the Sub (VFO-B) band receiver. This willprotect the audio amplifier from distortion, and pro-tect your ears from high audio levels, caused by sud-den peaks in audio input when the AGC is set to “OFF.”When the Audio Limiter circuit is activated, the LEDinside the button will glow orange.RF PWR BIAS KnobsRF PWR KnobThis is the main RF Power output control for the trans-ceiver, active in all operating modes. Clockwise rota-tion increases the power output. Adjust this controlfor the desired power output from the FT DX 9000MP,or for the desired system output when using a linearamplifier or transverter.BIAS KnobDuring SSB operation, pressing the CLASS-A but-ton (# below) will lower the power putput to amaximum of 100 Watts, and the BIAS control willthen provide adjustment of the final amplifier Biaslevel between classes AB and A. Full Class-A opera-tion provides an ultra-clean SSB wafe-form. BecauseClass A is a high-bias, low-efficiency mode, you shouldmonitor the heat sink temperature (using the “SWR”page on the External Display periodically to ensurethat the operating temperature is within the safe range,and you may adjust the Bias level more toward the“AB” side if the heat sink gets too warm. The poweroutput will not change if you adjust the setting of theBIAS control.CLASS-A SwitchPressing this switch engages the Class-A capabilityfor the transmitter. The power output will be reducedto a maximum of 100 Watts, and the Bias level maybe adjusted using the BIAS control (# above),described in the previous section. When Class-Aopeatin is engaged, the Red LED inside this switchwill light up. Press this switch once more to return toClass AB operation at a maximum power output of400 Watts; the Red LED will shut off to confirm ClassAB operation.FRONT P ANEL C ONTROLS