Safety information2-5123456789101112 Check that the fuel cock (ifequipped) is in the “OFF” positionand that there are no fuel leaks. Point the front wheel straightahead on the trailer or in the truckbed, and choke it in a rail to pre-vent movement. Shift the transmission in gear (formodels with a manual transmis-sion). Secure the motorcycle withtie-downs or suitable straps thatare attached to solid parts of themotorcycle, such as the frame orupper front fork triple clamp (andnot, for example, to rubber-mount-ed handlebars or turn signals, orparts that could break). Choosethe location for the straps carefullyso the straps will not rub againstpainted surfaces during transport. The suspension should be com-pressed somewhat by thetie-downs, if possible, so that themotorcycle will not bounce exces-sively during transport.