Periodic maintenance and adjustment8-15123456789101112correct, immediately turn the engineoff and have a Yamaha dealer checkthe vehicle.13. Turn the engine off, wait a few min-utes until the oil settles, and thencheck the oil level and correct it ifnecessary.EAU20071CoolantThe coolant level should be checkedbefore each ride. In addition, the cool-ant must be changed at the intervalsspecified in the periodic maintenanceand lubrication chart.EAU20095To check the coolant level1. Place the vehicle on a level sur-face and hold it in an upright posi-tion.TIP The coolant level must be checkedon a cold engine since the levelvaries with engine temperature. Make sure that the vehicle is posi-tioned straight up when checkingthe coolant level. A slight tilt to theside can result in a false reading.2. Check the coolant level in the cool-ant reservoir.TIPThe coolant should be between theminimum and maximum level marks.3. If the coolant is at or below theminimum level mark, remove thereservoir cap. WARNING! Re-move only the coolant reservoircap. Never attempt to removethe radiator cap when the en-gine is hot.[EWA15162]1. Coolant reservoir2. Maximum level mark3. Minimum level mark213