Instrument and control functions5-21123456789101112each fork leg in direction (b).The spring preload setting is deter-mined by measuring distance A, shownin the illustration. The shorter distanceA is, the higher the spring preload; thelonger distance A is, the lower thespring preload.Rebound damping forceThe rebound damping force is adjustedon the right front fork leg only. To in-crease the rebound damping force andthereby harden the rebound damping,turn the adjusting screw in direction (a).To decrease the rebound dampingforce and thereby soften the rebounddamping, turn the adjusting screw in di-rection (b).TIPBe sure to perform this adjustment onthe right front fork leg. Compression damping forceThe compression damping force is ad-justed on the left front fork leg only. Toincrease the compression dampingforce and thereby harden the compres-sion damping, turn the adjusting screwin direction (a). To decrease the com-pression damping force and thereby1. Spring preload adjusting bolt1. Distance A11(a) (b) (a) (b)1Spring preload setting:Minimum (soft):Distance A = 19.0 mm (0.75 in)Standard:Distance A = 16.0 mm (0.63 in)Maximum (hard):Distance A = 4.0 mm (0.16 in)1. Rebound damping force adjusting screwRebound damping setting:Minimum (soft):11 click(s) in direction (b)*Standard:11 click(s) in direction (b)*Maximum (hard):0 click(s) in direction (b)** With the adjusting knob fully turned indirection (a)1(a) (b)