Instrument and control functions5-18123456789101112your eyes, see your doctor immedi-ately. If gasoline spills on your skin,wash with soap and water. If gaso-line spills on your clothing, changeyour clothes.EAU58111NOTICEECA11401Use only unleaded gasoline. The useof leaded gasoline will cause severedamage to internal engine parts,such as the valves and piston rings,as well as to the exhaust system.Your Yamaha engine has been de-signed to use premium unleaded gaso-line with a research octane number of95 or higher. If knocking (or pinging) oc-curs, use a gasoline of a differentbrand. Use of unleaded fuel will extendspark plug life and reduce maintenancecosts.GasoholThere are two types of gasohol: gaso-hol containing ethanol and that contain-ing methanol. Gasohol containingethanol can be used if the ethanol con-tent does not exceed 10% (E10). Gas-ohol containing methanol is notrecommended by Yamaha because itcan cause damage to the fuel systemor vehicle performance problems.EAU74230Fuel tank overflow hoseTIPSee page 8-11 for breather information.Before operating the motorcycle: Check the fuel tank overflow hoseconnection. Check the fuel tank overflow hosefor cracks or damage, and replaceit if necessary. Make sure that the end of the fueltank overflow hose is not blocked,and clean it if necessary. Make sure that the fuel tank over-flow hose is routed through theclamp.Recommended fuel:Premium unleaded gasoline (Gaso-hol [E10] acceptable)Fuel tank capacity:14 L (3.7 US gal, 3.1 reserve amount:2.8 L (0.74 US gal, 0.62 Fuel tank overflow hose2. Clamp21