Periodic maintenance and adjustment8-23123456789101112EAU37914Checking the brake lever freeplayThere should be no free play at thebrake lever end. If there is free play,have a Yamaha dealer inspect thebrake system.WARNINGEWA14212A soft or spongy feeling in the brakelever can indicate the presence of airin the hydraulic system. If there is airin the hydraulic system, have aYamaha dealer bleed the system be-fore operating the vehicle. Air in thehydraulic system will diminish thebraking performance, which may re-sult in loss of control and an acci-dent.EAU36504Brake light switchesThe brake light, which is activated bythe brake pedal and brake lever, shouldcome on just before braking takes ef-fect. If necessary, have a Yamaha deal-er adjust the brake light switches.1. No brake lever free play1