Instrument and control functions5-6123456789101112warning light may flicker when rid-ing on a slope or during suddenacceleration or deceleration, butthis is not a malfunction. If a problem is detected in the oillevel detection circuit, the oil levelwarning light will flash repeatedly.If this occurs, have a Yamahadealer check the vehicle.EAU11447Coolant temperature warning light“ ”This warning light comes on if the en-gine overheats. If this occurs, stop theengine immediately and allow the en-gine to cool.The electrical circuit of the warning lightcan be checked by turning the key to“ON”. The warning light should comeon for a few seconds, and then go off.If the warning light does not come oninitially when the key is turned to “ON”,or if the warning light remains on, havea Yamaha dealer check the electricalcircuit.NOTICEECA10022Do not continue to operate the en-gine if it is overheating.TIP For radiator-fan-equipped vehi-cles, the radiator fan(s) automati-cally switch on or off according tothe coolant temperature in the ra-diator. If the engine overheats, see page8-40 for further instructions.EAU73171Engine trouble warning light “ ”This warning light comes on if a prob-lem is detected in the engine or othervehicle control system. If this occurs,have a Yamaha dealer check theon-board diagnostic system.The electrical circuit of the warning lightcan be checked by turning the key to“ON”. The warning light should comeon for a few seconds, and then go off.If the warning light does not come oninitially when the key is turned to “ON”,or if the warning light remains on, havea Yamaha dealer check the vehicle.EAU69891ABS warning light “ ”In normal operation, this warning lightcomes on when the key is turned to“ON”, and goes off after traveling at aspeed of 10 km/h (6 mi/h) or higher.If the ABS warning light: does not come on when the key isturned to “ON” comes on or flashes while riding does not go off after traveling at aspeed of 10 km/h (6 mi/h) or higherThe ABS may not work correctly. If anyof the above occurs, have a Yamahadealer check the system as soon aspossible. (See page 5-15 for an expla-nation of the ABS.)WARNINGEWA16041If the ABS warning light does not gooff after traveling at a speed of 10km/h (6 mi/h) or higher, or if thewarning light comes on or flasheswhile riding, the brake system re-verts to conventional braking. If ei-ther of the above occurs, or if thewarning light does not come on atABS