5-1123456789101112Instrument and control functionsEAU10978Immobilizer systemThis vehicle is equipped with an immo-bilizer system to help prevent theft byre-registering codes in the standardkeys. This system consists of the fol-lowing: a code re-registering key (with ared bow) two standard keys (with a blackbow) that can be re-registered withnew codes a transponder (which is installed inthe code re-registering key) an immobilizer unit an ECU an immobilizer system indicatorlight (See page 5-7.)The key with the red bow is used to reg-ister codes in each standard key. Sincere-registering is a difficult process, takethe vehicle along with all three keys toa Yamaha dealer to have them re-reg-istered. Do not use the key with the redbow for driving. It should only be usedfor re-registering the standard keys. Al-ways use a standard key for driving.NOTICEECA11822 DO NOT LOSE THE CODERE-REGISTERING KEY! CON-TACT YOUR DEALER IMMEDI-ATELY IF IT IS LOST! If the codere-registering key is lost, regis-tering new codes in the stan-dard keys is impossible. Thestandard keys can still be usedto start the vehicle, however ifcode re-registering is required(i.e., if a new standard key ismade or all keys are lost) the en-tire immobilizer system must bereplaced. Therefore, it is highlyrecommended to use eitherstandard key and keep the codere-registering key in a safeplace. Do not submerse any key in wa-ter. Do not expose any key to exces-sively high temperatures. Do not place any key close tomagnets (this includes, but notlimited to, products such asspeakers, etc.). Do not place items that transmitelectrical signals close to anykey. Do not place heavy items on anykey. Do not grind any key or alter itsshape. Do not disassemble the plasticpart of any key. Do not put two keys of any im-mobilizer system on the samekey ring. Keep the standard keys as wellas keys of other immobilizersystems away from this vehi-cle’s code re-registering key. Keep other immobilizer systemkeys away from the main switchas they may cause signal inter-1. Code re-registering key (red bow)2. Standard keys (black bow)