14AV1 AV2RGB 1 RGB 2AV3MUTE VOLVOLAV4AUTO PinPOKSIZE RECALLMENUID ID SETOPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (continued)Audio MuteThe audio volume can be temporarily muted by pressingthe MUTE button of the remote control.• When a button is pressed, the volume adjustmentstatus guide (magenta) will be displayed.• The volume setting can be lowered by pressing the VOL- buttonwhile the audio is mute.• The muting can be cancelled by pressing the VOL+ button orMUTE button while the audio is mute.When the MUTE button of the remote control is pressedagain, the audio will be restored and the volume display(green) will appear.MUTE buttonInput Switching• Input can be switched by pressing the RGB1, RGB2,buttons of the remote control.• Input can be switched in the sequence of RGB1 ➔RGB2 by pressing the INPUT SELECT button of themonitor.• When a button is pressed, the volume adjustmentstatus guide will be displayed.• The volume will increase when the VOL+ (or ) button ispressed while the guide is being displayed.• The volume will decrease when the VOL- (or ) button ispressed while the guide is being displayed.Volume AdjustmentThe volume can be adjusted by pressing the VOL+ andVOL- buttons of the remote control (or the and volume buttons of the monitor unit).Volume 15Volume setting valueAdjustment status guide displayVOLUMEUP/DOWN buttonsINPUT SELECT buttonRGB buttonsAdjustment status guide display(The display colour will change to magenta.)VOLUME UP/DOWNbuttonsRGB1 RGB2Volume 15Volume setting value