39ENGLISHSelected characters Setup hintAudio InputAV1 Stereo L/Mono This should correspond to the audio signal from the equipment that isconnected to the AV1 audio input terminal. If the signal is monaural audio,set this to L/Mono.AV2(Same to AV1)AV3AV4Scart Output Not Available (grayed out)RGB1 DVI-PC DVI-STB This should correspond to the signal mode of the signal from theequipment that is connected to the RGB1 DVI terminal.RGB2 (1st step) RGB Component This should correspond to the signal mode of the signal from theequipment that is connected to the RGB2 D-sub terminal.RGB2 (2nd step) Auto HDTV SDTV/DVDThis step should be set only when [Component] is selected on the 1ststep.This should correspond to the signal mode of the signal from theequipment that is connected to the RGB2 D-sub terminal.• Normally, set this to Auto. The signal mode of the input signal will beautomatically recognized.• If the input signal contains a lot of noise or has a low level at Auto and theoperation is found erratic, set this to match the input signal.Approximately 1 sec. after adjustment is completed, the adjustments will be recorded as shown in the table below.OTHER FEATURESAutomatic StoreMenu Display Registration conditionPicture Picture Mode 1 setting is registered.Contrast For every input function and everyPicture Mode, 1 setting isregistered.BrightnessColourSharpnessHueColour TemperatureContrast ModeYNRCNRFilm ModePAL Comb FilterLTICTIBlack EnhancementAuto ColourColour Temp. AdjustR Amplitude For every Colour Temperature, 1setting is registered.G AmplitudeB AmplitudeR Cut OffG Cut OffB Cut OffColour ManagementFor every input function and everyPicture Mode, 1 setting isregistered.Magenta 1 setting is registered.RedMenu Display Registration conditionPicture Yellow 1 setting is registered.GreenCyanBlueColour Decoding -Red For every Colour Temperature, 1setting is registered.GreenColour For every input function and everyPicture Mode, 1 setting isregistered.HueFunction Video Power Save 1 setting is registered.Default ZoomSetup System 1 setting is registered.Colour System 1 setting is registered.AV1AV2AV3AV4Video Input -AV1 1 setting is registered.AV2AV4Audio Input -AV1 1 setting is registered.AV2AV3AV4RGB1RGB2• The previously recorded items will be lost.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (continued)SETUP MENU (continued)