3 - 1INSPADJMAINTENANCE INTERVALSEC300000REGULAR INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENTSMAINTENANCE INTERVALSThe following schedule is intended as a general guide to maintenance and lubrication. Bear in mind that such factors asweather, terrain, geographical location, and individual usage will alter the required maintenance and lubrication intervals. Ifyou are a doubt as to what intervals to follow in maintaining and lubricating your machine, consult your Yamaha dealer.Item Afterbreak-inEveryraceEvery third(or500 km)Every fifth(or1,000 km)Asrequired RemarksENGINE OILReplaceInspectVALVESCheck the valve clearances The engine must be cold.Check the valve seats andvalve stems for wear.InspectReplaceVALVE SPRINGSInspect Check the free length andthe tilt.ReplaceVALVE LIFTERSInspect Check for scratches andwear.ReplaceCAMSHAFTS Inspect the camshaftsurface.Inspect the decompressionsystem.InspectReplaceTIMING CHAIN SPROCKETS, TIMINGCHAINInspect Check for wear on the teethand for damage.ReplacePISTONInspect Inspect crackInspect carbon deposits andeliminate them.CleanReplacePISTON RINGInspect Check ring end gapReplacePISTON PINInspectReplaceCYLINDER HEAD Inspect carbon deposits andeliminate them.Change gasketInspect and cleanCYLINDERInspect and clean Inspect score marksInspect wearReplaceCLUTCHInspect and adjust Inspect housing, frictionplate, clutch plate and springReplaceTRANSMISSIONInspectReplace bearingSHIFT FORK, SHIFT CAM, GUIDE BARInspect Inspect wear