Administrator’s Guide for SIP-T2xP IP Phones52then map the index ―N‖ to the relevant ring tone. When N is 1, the IP phone playsthe ring tone ―Emergency.wav‖. If N is greater than 1 and less than 9, the IP phoneplays the ring tone ―Ring(N-1).wav‖. If N is greater than 9, the IP phone will play thedefault ring tone configured on the IP phone. If the ―Alert-Info‖ header contains a remote URL, the IP phone will play the ring tonedownloaded from the URL. If failing to download the ring tone from the URL, the IPphone will map the keywords to the text which is configured on the phone, andthen play the specified ring tone configured on the phone. If there is no textmatched, the IP phone will play the default ring tone configured on the IP phone.The IP phone supports mapping ten internal ringer texts.ProcedureDistinctive ring tones can be configured using the configuration files or locally.Configuration File .cfgConfigure the Internal RingerText and Internal Ringer File.For more information, refer toDistinctive Ring Tones on page136.Local Web User InterfaceConfigure the Internal RingerText and Internal Ringer File.Navigate to:http:///cgi-bin/ConfigManApp.com?Id=29To configure the distinctive ring tones via web user interface:1. Click on Phone->Ring.2. Enter the keywords in the Internal Ringer Text fields.3. Select the desired ring tones for each text from the pull-down lists of Internal RingerFile.4. Click Confirm to save the change.When receiving a message or recording a call, the IP phone will play a warning tone.You can customize tones or select the tones customized for a specific country to indicatedifferent conditions of the IP phone. Tone sets vary from country to country. The defaulttones used on the phone is the tone sets of US. The tone sets you can configure on the IPphone are (only lists partially): Australia Austria
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