Administrator’s Guide for SIP-T2xP IP Phones62The following table lists the variable values may be used when specifying the URL:Variable Description$mac MAC address of the phone$ip The current IP address of the phone$model Phone model$firmware Phone firmware version$active_urlThe SIP URI of the current account when thephone is in the incoming, outgoing or connectingstate.$active_userThe username of the current account when thephone is in the incoming, outgoing or connectingstate.$active_hostThe host name of the current account when thephone is in the incoming, outgoing or connectingstate.$localThe SIP URI of the caller when the phone places acall.The SIP URI of the callee when the phone receivesan incoming call.$remoteThe SIP URI of the callee when the phone places acall.The SIP URI of the caller when the phone receivesan incoming call.$display_localThe display name of the caller when the phoneplaces a call.The display name of the callee when receives anincoming call.$display_remoteThe display name of the callee when the phoneplaces a call.The display name of the caller when the phonereceives an incoming call.$call_id The caller ID when in incoming, outgoing orconnecting state.ProcedureAction URL can be configured using the configuration files or locally.Configuration File .cfgConfigure the action URL on theIP phone.For more information, refer toAction URL on page 150.