Administrator’s Guide for SIP-T2xP IP Phones58BLF Key on page 176.Configure the IP phone whetherto use visual and audio alert forBLF.For more information, refer toVisual and Audio Alert for BLFPickup on page 145.Local Web User InterfaceConfigure the BLF List URI andBLF list pickup and barge incodes.Navigate to:http:///cgi-bin/ConfigManApp.com?Id=4Configure the BLF keys.Navigate to:http:///cgi-bin/ConfigManApp.com?Id=21For more information, refer tothe SIP-T2xP User Guide.Configure the IP phone whetherto use visual and audio alert forBLF pickup.Navigate to:http:///cgi-bin/ConfigManApp.com?Id=6The Shared Call Appearance (SCA) feature allows users to share a SIP line on several IPphones and also provides status monitoring of the shared line. When a user places anoutgoing call using such a shared line, all members sharing that line are notified of thisusage. LEDs available on the IP phones indicate the status of the shared line. Incomingcalls to this line will cause all phones that share this line to ring simultaneously. Theincoming call can be answered on one of the IP phones but not all of them. A SCA usercan retrieve a call being put on public hold on the shared line. If the SCA bridging isconfigured, SCA users can barge in an existing call on the shared line.The SCA feature is specially designed to support the BroadSoft server. The SCA featuremust be provisioned on the BroadWorks web portal in advance, refer to the document―Yealink IP Phones Deployment Guide for BroadSoft BroadWorks Environments‖ formore information. The result of the provisioning will be a primary line with the SCAactivated plus one or more secondary lines that share the primary line, each
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