Condition of the DCP connectionThe two LEDs "Error (red)" and "Run (green)" are available to diagnose the DCP connection.LED LED status Operation conditionError (rot) fast flashing With activated DCP function, the DCP connection is not present or isdefectiveRun (grün) On With activated DCP function, the DCP connection is flawlessError (rot) /Run (grün)Slow alternat-ing flashingThe DCP function is not activated in a trouble-free DCP connection(only DCP3/DCP4)Condition of the CAN connectionThe two LEDs "Error (red)" and "Run (green)" are available to diagnose the CAN connection.LED colour LED status Operation condition / error statusRun (grün) flashing onceper secondOperation Mode "Stopped"Run (grün) fast flashing Operation Mode "Preoperational"Run (grün) on Operation Mode "Operational"Error (rot) Off no error, connection is in orderError (rot) flashing onceper secondCAN error counter has exeeded the warning limit of 96 errorsError (rot) On Bus off, reset of the controller is necessary13.2.1 Software updateIf an error occurs during the software update, a flash code is issued by LED OP1 for the correspondingerror message.An explanation of the flash code can be found in the chapter Special Functions/Software Update13.3 Readout the error memoryFaults which lead to interruption of the travel are saved in a fault list.The fault list can be found in menu Statistik/ST_LST. Up to 64 error messages can be managed.Once the number of 64 messages has been reached, the oldest entry in each case is deleted for eachnew error message which arises. When the fault list is called up, the last fault which occurred isdisplayed with the following information:? B R : F a h r t - F e h l e r ?E 5 8 3 S 4 3 0 8 . 2 h0 0 0 0 0 7 6 x x x 2 8 C? 0 0 R V 1 5 . 9 1 m + 1 2 A12456789101131 Error description2 Error no.3 Operation condition (S=status)4 Travel number5 Consecutive error number6 Travel direction7 Operating hours8 Temperture power stage9 Motor current consumption10 Additional information (option)11 Position of tha car in the shaftPlease refer to the "Error diagnosis“ chapter for a description of the error number and the operatingcondition.Original operating instructionsZETADYN 3C Error diagnosisR-TBA08_03-GB 1619 Part.-No. 00163322-GB133/204