• Position Mode (Position Mode [pp]Position ModeThe used mode can be set in the menu "CAN/MODE" of the ZETADYN 3. Generally the mode is sentfrom the control system to the ZETADYN 3 shortly before start-up. Therefor you have to set theoperation mode in the control system.When the ZETADYN 3 is operated in position mode, the shaft-encoder has to be connected to thesame bus as the ZETADYN 3.The control system transmits the travel speed to the frequency inverter before every drive. If thetransmitted speed couldn't be reached, the frequency inverter initiates a pointed arch drive. Thereforthe maximum speed has to be entered in the control system. Command- and Statusbits of the recorder• Position Mode [pp] C&S / Velocity Mode [pv] C&S• C = Command = Command from the control system to the frequency inverter• S = Status = Status of the frequency inverter as reaction of a command from the control systemStatus- / Commandbit Description RemarksCSwO Command Switch OnCEVo Command Enable VoltageCQSt Command Quick StopCEOp Command Enable OperationCFaR Command Fault ResetCNSp Command New Setpoint only active in position modeCHlt Command HaltSRSO Status Ready to Switch OnSSdO Status Switched OnSOpE Status Operation EnabledSVoE Status Voltage EnabledSQSt Status Quick StopSSOD Status Switch On DisabledSTaR Status Target ReachedSS=0 Status Speed = 0 only active in velocity modeSSpA Status Setpoint Acknowledge only active in position modeSFlt Status FaultSWrn Status WarningOriginal operating instructionsZETADYN 3C Serial communicationR-TBA08_03-GB 1619 Part.-No. 00163322-GB70/204