10.16 Memory Card menuContains the parameters for the various functions in association with a memory card.InformationNot all parameters are visible when the Memory Card menu is opened in the basic level.Parameter Description Value range Factorysettingvisible inthe basiclevelSAV_ALL Saves data to memory card with serial number allocation• Parameter list (.PRT) in directory /3BF/DEVICE/seriealnumber/LST• Error list (.FLT) in directory /3BF/DEVICE/serial number/LST• Parameter (.PA3) in directory /3BF/DEVICE/serial num-ber/LST• Black-Box (.BOX) in directory /3BF/DEVICE/serial num-ber/LSTOff: no functionON: Data will be saved to the memory card. After copying, theparameter jumps back to "Off"OnOff Off XSAV_PAR Save parameters to memory card (copy parameters in the caseof identical systems):• Parameter (.PA3) in directory /3BF/DEVICE/FORCEHere, there is no serial number allocation. The data will be over-written during each savingOff: no functionON: Parameter will be saved to the memory card. After copying,the parameter jumps back to "Off"OnOff Off XLOD_PAR Load parameters from memory card to inverter (copy parame-ters in the case of identical systems)Enter 27: Parameter (.PA3) will be loaded from the /3BF/DEVI-CE/FORCE directory into the inverter After loading, the parame-ter jumps back to "off"27 0 XUPDATE Starts the software update from a memory card. The most cur-rent software will always be loaded from the memory card.Enter 27: Software will be loaded from the /3BF/Update/Softwar-eversion directory into the inverter27 0SAV_CFG Saves data to memory card with configuration number alloca-tion:• Parameter list (.PRT) in directory /3BF/CONFIG/configuration• Parameter (.PA3) in directory /3BF/CONFIG/configurationnumber0 ... 59999 0LOD_CFG Load parameter from memory card to converter with specifica-tion of configuration numberEnter configuration number : Parameters (.PA3) are loaded tothe converter from the /3BF/CONFIG directory. The parameterjumps to "Off" again after loading0 ... 59999 0Format Reformatting the memory card:Enter 27:Folders and files on the memory card will be deleted 27 0Original operating instructionsZETADYN 3C Parameter listR-TBA08_03-GB 1619 Part.-No. 00163322-GB93/204