Direct steam cookingPut the food onto the steel grill in the bakingdish. Add some water. Put the injector (D) intothe injector tube (C). Connect the other end in-to the steam inlet.Important! Do not use the lid of the dish.When you cook food such as chicken, duck,turkey, kid or large fish, put the injector (D) di-rectly into the empty part of the meat. Makesure that you do not cause a blockage of theholes.Put the baking dish onto the first or secondshelf position from the bottom. Make sure thatyou do not crush the injector tube or let it toucha heating element on the top of the oven. Setthe oven for the steam cooking function.For more information about steam cooking, referto the cooking tables for steam cooking in thechapter “Hints and Tips”.Important! The injector tube is specially madefor cooking and does not contain dangerousmaterials.Important!Be careful when you use the injector when theoven operates. Always use oven gloves to touchthe injector when the oven is hot. Always re-move the injector from the oven when you donot use a steam function.Do not put the hot baking dish on cold / wetsurfaces.12