TYPE OF DISH [g] Shelf posi-tion Temp [°C] Cookingtime [min] NotesRolls 500 2 (2 and 4) 190 - 210 20 - 30 6 - 8 rolls in a bakingtray1)Pizza – 2 200 - 220 20 - 30 In a baking tray1)1) Preheat the oven for 10 minutes.FLANSTYPE OF DISH Shelf posi-tion Temp [°C] Cooking time[min] NotesVegetables filled 1 170 - 180 30 - 40 In a mouldLasagne 2 170 - 180 40 - 50 In a mouldPotato gratin 1 (2 and 4) 160 - 170 50 - 60 In a mouldMEATTYPE OF DISH [g] Shelf posi-tion Temp [°C] Cooking time[min] NotesRoast pork 1000 2 180 90 - 110 On a wire shelfVeal 1000 2 180 90 - 110 On a wire shelfRoast beef 1000rare 2 210 45 - 50 On a wire shelfmedium 2 200 55 - 65 On a wire shelfwell done 2 190 65 - 75 On a wire shelfLamb 1000 2 175 110 - 130 LegChicken 1000 2 200 55 - 65 WholeTurkey 4000 2 170 180 - 240 WholeDuck 2000 - 2500 2 170 - 180 120 - 150 WholeGoose 3000 1 160 - 170 150 - 200 WholeRabbit – 2 170 - 180 60 - 90 Cut in piecesFISHTYPE OF DISH [g] Shelf posi-tion Temp [°C] Cookingtime [min] NotesTrout 1500 2 180 25 - 35 3 - 4 fishTuna 1200 2 175 35 - 50 4 - 6 filletsHake – 2 200 20 - 30 –STEAM REHEATING21www.zanussi.com