Cleaning the oven doorThe oven door has three glass panels. You canremove the oven door and the internal glasspanels to clean them.The oven door can close if you try to re-move the glass panels before you removethe oven door.Removing the oven door and the glasspanels1 Open the doorfully and hold the twodoor hinges.2 Lift and turn thelevers on the two hing-es.3 Close the ovendoor to the firstopening position(halfway). Then pullforward and removethe door from itsseat.4 Put the door on asoft cloth on a stablesurface.5 Release the lock-ing system to removethe glass panels.90°6 Turn the two fas-teners by 90° and re-move them from theirseats.217 Carefully lift (step1) and remove (step2) the glass panelsone by one. Startfrom the top panel.Clean the glass panels with water and soap. Drythe glass panels carefully.Installing the door and the glass panelsWhen the cleaning is completed, install theglass panels and the oven door. Do the abovesteps in the opposite sequence.Make sure that you put the glass panels back inthe correct sequence. The middle panel has adecorative frame. The screen-printing zone mustface the inner side of the door. Make sure thatafter the installation the surface of the glasspanel frame on the screen-printing zones is notrough when you touch it.Make sure that you install the top panel in theseats correctly (refer to the illustration)