QUICKSTART LSM 510Carl Zeiss Quick Start in the Expert Mode LSM 510 META4-14 B 45-0008 e 10/024.3.2 Set the MicroscopeThis step is used to set:− microscope objective− specimen position− specimen focus4.3.2.1 Axioplan 2 imaging MOT• Click on the Acquire button in the toolbar of the Main menu.• Move the tube slider on the microscope to the VIS position.• Click on the Micro button in the Acquiresubordinate toolbar.− The Axioplan Control window appears onthe screen.• Put the specimen on the stage - make sure thespecimen is mounted securely and flat. For testsuse the supplied Convallaria specimen.You can view the specimen in either fluorescence(reflected light) or transmitted light.• To view the specimen in transmitted light, setthe Reflector Turret position to None andactivate the Transmitted Light panel byclicking on the Transmitted Light button.Select the On button and control the intensityby the slider.• Select an objective with low magnification byclicking in the Objective panel of theAxioplan Control window.• Set the microscope to KÖHLER illuminationmanually (see Axioplan 2 imaging MOT operat-ing manual).• Select the specimen area to be examined bymoving the XY-stage and focus exactly on theselected area.• Close the Axioplan Control window. Movethe tube slider on the microscope to the LSMposition.Fig. 4-12 Axioplan Control window PreviousNext |