LSM 510 QUICKSTARTLSM 510 META Quick Start in the Expert Mode Carl ZeissB 45-0008 e 10/02 4-174.3.4 Set the Beam PathThis step is used to specify beam path parametersby using a predefined Track Configuration.• Click on the Config button in the Acquiresubordinate toolbar of the Main menu.− The Configuration Control windowappears on the screen. Your screen maydiffer from the one displayed.• Click on the Single Track button, unless it hasalready been activated.• Click on the Config button in theConfiguration Control window.− The Track Configurations window appearson the screen.Stored standard configurations (Tracks) areavailable in the Track Configurations window,which can be used for fast and easy imageacquisition.• The list of configurations will appear by clickingon the button. Choose the FITC/Rhodconfiguration from the list.• Click on the Apply button.All the settings of the selected standard configuration, such as beam path, excitation wavelength andintensity, AOTF attenuation (Acousto-Optical Tunable Filters), Gain, Offset and Data Depth, are loadedvia the software and displayed in the relevant windows and panels. The Track Configurations windowis closed automatically.If you click on the Close button, the Track Configurations window will be closed without anychange being made to the Track Configuration.Fig. 4-15 Configuration Control windowFig. 4-16 Track Configurations window PreviousNext |