13 D OWNLOADSThis chapter provides information about downloading:■ Software■ LabelMaker■ Documentation and Reference GuidesFor more information about these topics and configuration procedures,see the online Help.Software You can download these applications:■ NBX Call Reports — You can install NBX ® Call Reports on acomputer that runs the Microsoft Windows 2000 or Windows XPoperating system. The application enables you to retrieve call logginginformation from the system for reporting purposes. See Chapter 15for prerequisites and details on running these reports.■ NBX TAPI Service Provider (NBX TSP) — You can install NBX TSP ona computer that runs the Microsoft Windows 2000 or Windows XPoperating system. The application enables you to use TAPI-enabledprograms with the system. For more information, see Chapter 2.■ 3Com Telephone Local Configuration Application — You caninstall the application on a computer that runs the Microsoft Windows2000 or Windows XP operating system. Devices with a display paneluse the Local User Interface (LUI) to define the settings that the deviceneeds to communicate with the Call Processor. For telephones that donot have a display panel, such as the 3Com 3100 Entry Telephone, usethe Telephone Local Configuration (TLC) application to define thesesettings. See Chapter 18 for more information about how toconfigure devices.