display sessions network 443(Table 81 on page 444 describes the summary displays of displaysessions network commands.)The following command displays detailed (verbose) session informationabout user nin@example.com:WX1200# display sessions network user nin@example.com verboseUser Sess IP or MAC VLAN Port/Name ID Address Name Radio----------------------------- ---- ----------------- --------------- -----nin@example.com 5* vlan-eng 1/1Client MAC: 00:02:2d:6e:ab:a5 GID: SESS-5-000430-686792-d8b3c564State: ACTIVE (prev AUTHORIZED)now on: WX, AP/radio 1/1, AP 00:0b:0e:00:05:fe, as of 00:23:32 ago1 sessions match criteria (of 10 total)The following command displays verbose output about the sessions of allcurrent network users:WX1200# display sessions network verboseUser Sess IP or MAC VLAN Port/Name ID Address Name Radio------------------------------ ---- ----------------- --------------- -----SHUTTLE2\exmpl 6* default 3/1Client MAC: 00:06:25:13:08:33 GID: SESS-4-000404-98441-c807c14bState: ACTIVE (prev AUTHORIZED)now on: WX, AP/radio 3/1, AP 00:0b:0e:ff:00:3a, as of00:00:24 agofrom: WX, AP/radio 6/1, AP 00:0b:0e:00:05:d7, as of00:01:07 agofrom: WX, AP/radio 3/1, AP 00:0b:0e:ff:00:3a, as of00:01:53 ago1 sessions total(Table 82 on page 444 describes the additional fields of the verboseoutput of display sessions network commands.)The following command displays information about network session 27:WX1200# display sessions network session-id 27Global Id: SESS-27-000430-835586-58dfe5aState: ACTIVEPort/Radio: 3/1MAC Address: 00:00:2d:6f:44:77User Name: EXAMPLE NatashaIP Address: Name: vlan-eng