How to Use This GuideThis guide presents information on how to install and configure the 3ComONcore ATM Switch/Control Module (Model Number 6414SW) in the3Com ONcore Switching Hub. It describes how to diagnose and solveproblems associated with the operation of the 6416SW module, anddescribes some of the principles of asynchronous transfer mode (ATM)technology on which the 6416SW module is based.This guide also describes how to install and configure a managementconsole for the 6416SW module. The ATM commands that you enter atthe console to manage the ATM subsystem in the ONcore hub aredescribed in theONcore Switching Hub,CELLplex 4000 Workgroup Switch,ATM Command Reference Guide, Document Number: 17-00866.Who Should Use this GuideThis guide is intended for the following people at your site:ATM network administratorATM network operatorHardware installer.How to Use this GuideThis guide contains seven chapters and six appendixes:Chapter 1, “Introduction to ATM” gives an overview of the mainfunctions of the 6416SW module.Chapter 2, “Installation” describes how to install the 6416SW module inthe ONcore hub. It also describes how to connect a console to the6416SW module in order to perform configuration tasks.How to Use This Guide xvii