Fiber Cable ClassificationUse this equipment only with fiber cable classified by UnderwritersLaboratories as to fire and smoke characteristics in accordance withsection 770-2(b) and Section 725-2(b) of the National Electrical Code.UK General Approval StatementThe ONline System Concentrator and the ONcore Switching Hub aremanufactured to the International Safety Standard EN 60950 and as suchare approved in the UK under the General Approval numberNS/G/12345/J/100003 for indirect connection to the publictelecommunication network.DisclaimerThe information in this document is subject to change without notice andshould not be construed as a commitment by 3Com Corporation. 3ComCorporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear inthis document.Copyright Statement1995, 1996 by 3Com Corporation. All rights reserved. The informationcontained herein is the exclusive and confidential property of 3ComCorporation. No part of this manual may be disclosed or reproduced inwhole or in part without permission from 3Com Corporation.TrademarksBecause of the nature of this material, numerous hardware and softwareproducts are mentioned by name. In most, if not all cases, these productnames are claimed as trademarks by the companies that manufacture theproducts. It is not our intent to claim these names or trademarks as ourown.ONdemand and TriChannel are trademarks, and 3Com, CELLplex, andONcore registered trademarks, of 3Com Corporation.iv ONcore ATM Switch/Control Module: Installation and User's Guide