E.164 E.164 IDI (8 bytes)Specifies the international addressing format used by B-ISDN publictransport providers and is up to 15 digits long (BCD syntax). This field ispadded with leading '0000' semi-bytes to reach the maximum length. Aclosing semi-byte '1111' is used to obtain an integral number of bytes.This code is handled as a bit mask and is not checked by the ATMsubsystem.ICD International Code Designator (2 bytes)Identifies an international organization. Values and codes (BCD syntax) areassigned by the ISO-6523 registration authority.This code is handled as a bit mask and is not checked by the ATMsubsystem.Reserved 2 bytes set to binary zero.RDN Routing Domain Number (2 bytes)Specifies a domain that is unique within one of the following:E.164DCC/DFI/AAICD/DFI/AAand that allows for the same addressing scheme and administrative authorityto be used.Area Area (2 bytes)Specifies an area unique within a routing domain for the purpose ofhierarchical routing and efficient use of resources based on topologicalsignificance.In an ONcore ATM subsystem, this value consists of two 1-byte subfields:ACN The ATM Cluster NumberHN The Hub NumberE-4 ONcore ATM Switch/Control Module: Installation and User's Guide