Contacting Your 3Com Service RepresentativeTo get technical help to solve installation and operation problems with the ATMsubsystem in a ONcore hub, call your local 3Com Customer Support center.Depending on the phase in which the problem occurs, an 3Com service engineer willask you to write down all or parts of the information listed in the following sections.Troubleshooting Phase 1 and Phase 2 ProblemsTo troubleshoot Phase 1 and Phase 2 problems, an 3Com service engineer needs thefollowing information:Types and slot numbers of all modules installed in the hub, displayed by enteringthe SHOW MODULE ALL VERBOSE command (if possible).ONcore hub information configured using Distributed Management Module (DMM)commands and displayed by entering the SHOW DEVICE, SHOW HUB, SHOWMODULE ALL, and SHOW MODULE VERBOSE commands (if possible).ONcore hub information configured using 6416SW commands and displayed byentering the SHOW DEVICE, SHOW HUB (if DMM module not installed), SHOWMODULE ALL, SHOW MODULE VERBOSE, and SHOW PORT ALL commands (ifpossible).Type and characteristics of each ATM device attached to the hub.ON/OFF condition and color of the LEDs on each module installed in the hub.Last 6416SW commands entered from the local consoleError log information uploaded to the host by entering the UPLOAD command. Inorder to upload the error log, you must use a TFTP file server in IP over ATM orLAN emulation mode. See theONcore Switching Hub/CELLplex 4000 ATMCommand Reference Guide for more information.7-51