Note/IllustrationActionxx0500002584Insert the bar (A) through the shaft and securewith press washer (B).14Shown in the figure Mounting tool,tilthouse shaft on page 132.If not already fitted, fit the press washer to thehydraulic cylinder with the two M6 bolts.15Thread the remaining bearing race on to thebar and fit also the hydraulic cylinder and thenut.16xx0500002585Press the both bearings into the upper arm, oneither ends of the shaft, with a hydraulic pump.Use the pad (G).Press until the both bearings reaches bottom.1725 ml in each bearing. Art. no. is spe-cified in Required equipment onpage 129.Lubricate the both bearings with bearinggrease.18Shown in the figure Location of shaftand bearings on page 128.Apply locking liquid to the both lock nuts andfit the nuts on each side of the shaft, facing theflat surface outwards.19Locking liquid is specified in Requiredequipment on page 129.Tighten one of them with 30 Nm. Tighten theother with 35 Nm, untighten it and retightenwith 30 Nm.Shown in the figure Location of shaftand bearings on page 128.Fit the protection hoods on each side of theshaft. Replace them if damaged!20Spare part no. is specified in Requiredequipment on page 129.Fit new VK covers on each side of the upperarm.21Shown in the figure Location of shaftand bearings on page 128.Shown in the figure Location of shaftand bearings on page 128.Fit four M6 screws, including washers, to thelubrication holes.22Spare part no. for washer is specifiedin Required equipment on page 129.Continues on next page138 3HAC026048-001 Revision: E© Copyright 2006-2013 ABB. All rights reserved.4 Repair4.4.1 Replacement of shaft and bearings, tilthouseContinued