Note/IllustrationActionThe tip of the dial indicator mustmeasure on a 50 mm radius fromthe center of the motor shaft.xx0200000473Place the tip of a dial indicator against the scribedmark on the measuring tool.9Measuring toolSet the gear play to 0.02 mm, which correspondsto a reading on the dial indicator of 0.13 mm.10Pull gently in one direction. Note the reading.(The gear must not turn.)11Then gently knock on the tool in the other direc-tion and note the reading. The difference inreading = gear play. The gear play should be 0.02mm which corresponds to a reading on the dialindicator of 0.13 mm.124 pcs. Tightening torque: 23 Nm.Tighten the motor attachment screws.13Shown in the figure Location of mo-tor, axis 1 on page 182.Refit the connection box with the three attach-ment screws and plain washers.Make sure the gasket is fitted properly!14xx0200000401Reconnect the connectors R3.MP1 and R3.FB1.15• A: R3.MP1• B: R3.FB1• C: Connection boxShown in the figure Location of mo-tor, axis 1 on page 182.Refit the cover of the connection box.16Calibration is detailed in a separatecalibration manual enclosed with thecalibration tools.Recalibrate the robot.17General calibration information isincluded in the section Calibrationinformation on page 207.Continues on next page3HAC026048-001 Revision: E 185© Copyright 2006-2013 ABB. All rights reserved.4 Repair4.7.1 Replacement of motor, axis 1Continued