Contents - Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Section 1 Introduction
- Product documentation
- Document revision history
- Related documents
- Document conventions
- IEC 61850 edition 1 / edition 2 mapping
- Section 2 Application
- Main protection functions
- Back-up protection functions
- Control and monitoring functions
- Communication
- Basic IED functions
- Section 3 Configuration
- Description of configuration REL670
- Description of configuration A42
- Description of configuration B42
- Description of configuration D42
- Section 4 Analog inputs
- Setting of the phase reference channel
- Example 1
- Example 3
- Examples on how to connect, configure and set CT inputs for most commonly used CT connections
- phase CT set to
the IED
- Example how to connect delta connected three-phase CT set to the IED
- Example how to connect single-phase CT to the IED
- Relationships between setting parameter Base Current, CT rated primary current and minimum pickup of a protection IED
- Examples how to connect, configure and set VT inputs for most commonly used VT connections
- Examples on how to connect a three phase-to-earth connected VT to the IED
- Example on how to connect a phase-to-phase connected VT to the IED
- Example on how to connect an open delta VT to the IED for high impedance earthed or unearthed networks
- for low impedance earthed or solidly earthed power systems
- Section 5 Local HMI
- Display
- LEDs
- Keypad
- Local HMI functionality
- Parameter management
- Front communication
- C37.118 Phasor Measurement Data Streaming Protocol Configuration PMUCONF
- Short guidance for use of TCP
- Short guidance for use of UDP
- Protocol reporting via IEEE 1344 and C37.118 PMUREPORT
- Operation principle
- Frequency reporting
- Reporting filters
- Scaling Factors for ANALOGREPORT channels
- PCM600 Application Configuration Tool (ACT)
- Setting guidelines
- High impedance differential protection, single phase HZPDIF
- The basics of the high impedance principle
- Connection examples for high impedance differential protection
- Connections for 1Ph High impedance differential protection HZPDIF
- T-feeder protection
- Tertiary reactor protection
- Alarm level operation
- Distance measuring zone, quadrilateral characteristic for series compensated lines ZMCPDIS, ZMCAPDIS, ZDSRDIR
- System earthing
- Fault infeed from remote end
- Load encroachment
- Long transmission line application
- Parallel line application with mutual coupling
- Tapped line application
- Series compensation in power systems
- Challenges in protection of series compensated and adjacent power lines
- Impact of series compensation on protective IED of adjacent lines
- Distance protection
- Setting of zone1
- Setting of reverse zone
- Series compensated and adjacent lines
- Setting of zones for parallel line application
- Setting of reach in resistive direction
- Load impedance limitation, without load encroachment function
- Load impedance limitation, with load encroachment function activated
- Phase selection, quad, fixed angle, load encroachment FDPSPDIS
- Resistive reach with load encroachment characteristic
- Minimum operate currents
- Short line application
- load encroachment, quadrilateral characteristic function activated
- Setting of timers for distance protection zones
- Setting of zone 1
- Setting of zone 3
- Consideration of zero sequence mutual coupling for parallel circuits
- Setting of minimum operate currents
- Full-scheme distance protection, quadrilateral for earth faults ZMMPDIS, ZMMAPDIS
- Mho impedance supervision logic ZSMGAPC
- Faulty phase identification with load encroachment FMPSPDIS
- Distance protection zone, quadrilateral characteristic, separate settings ZMRPDIS, ZMRAPDIS and ZDRDIR
- Identification
- activated
- Phase selection, quadrilateral characteristic with settable angle FRPSPDIS
- Load encroachment characteristics
- Phase-to-earth fault in forward direction
- Phase-to-earth fault in reverse direction
- Phase-to-phase fault in forward direction
- Setting the reach with respect to load
- Zone reach setting lower than minimum load impedance
- Zone reach setting higher than minimum load impedance
- Other settings
- ZMMMXU settings
- High speed distance protection for series compensated lines ZMFCPDIS
- Steady state voltage regulation and increase of voltage collapse limit
- Increase in power transfer
- Voltage and current inversion
- Underreaching and overreaching schemes
- Parameter setting guidelines
- Power swing detection ZMRPSB
- Basic characteristics
- Power swing logic PSLPSCH
- Blocking and tripping logic for evolving power swings
- Pole slip protection PSPPPAM
- Setting example for line application
- Setting example for generator application
- Out-of-step protection OOSPPAM
- Automatic switch onto fault logic ZCVPSOF
- Application
- Phase preference logic PPLPHIZ
- Phase preference logic PPL2PHIZ
- Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection PHPIOC
- Meshed network with parallel line
- Directional phase overcurrent protection, four steps OC4PTOC
- Settings for each step
- Setting example
- Instantaneous residual overcurrent protection EFPIOC
- Directional residual overcurrent protection, four steps EF4PTOC
- Common settings for all steps
- nd harmonic restrain
- Parallel transformer inrush current logic
- Switch onto fault logic
- Settings for each step (x = 1, 2, 3 and 4)
- Line application example
- Four step directional negative phase sequence overcurrent protection NS4PTOC
- Sensitive directional residual overcurrent and power protection SDEPSDE
- Thermal overload protection, one time constant, Celsius Fahrenheit LCPTTR/LFPTTR
- Setting guideline
- Breaker failure protection CCRBRF
- Stub protection STBPTOC
- Pole discordance protection CCPDSC
- Directional overpower protection GOPPDOP
- Broken conductor check BRCPTOC
- Voltage-restrained time overcurrent protection VRPVOC
- Base quantities
- Voltage-restrained overcurrent protection for generator and step-up transformer
- Overcurrent protection with undervoltage seal-in
- Two step undervoltage protection UV2PTUV
- Settings for two step undervoltage protection
- Two step overvoltage protection OV2PTOV
- Equipment protection, such as for motors, generators reactors and transformers
- Two step residual overvoltage protection ROV2PTOV
- reactors and transformersEquipment protection for transformers
- Direct earthed system
- Settings for two step residual overvoltage protection
- Overexcitation protection OEXPVPH
- Settings
- Service value report
- Voltage differential protection VDCPTOV
- Loss of voltage check LOVPTUV
- Underfrequency protection SAPTUF
- Overfrequency protection SAPTOF
- Rate-of-change of frequency protection SAPFRC
- General current and voltage protection CVGAPC
- Current and voltage selection for CVGAPC function
- Base quantities for CVGAPC function
- Inadvertent generator energization
- Negative sequence overcurrent protection
- Generator stator overload protection in accordance with IEC or ANSI standards
- generators and circuit breaker head flashover protection for generators
- Voltage restrained overcurrent protection for generator and step-up transformer
- Loss of excitation protection for a generator
- Multipurpose filter SMAIHPAC
- Current circuit supervision CCSSPVC
- Fuse failure supervision FUFSPVC
- Negative sequence based
- Zero sequence based
- Dead line detection
- Synchrocheck, energizing check, and synchronizing SESRSYN
- Synchrocheck
- Energizing check
- Voltage selection
- External fuse failure
- Application examples
- Single circuit breaker with single busbar
- Single circuit breaker with double busbar, external voltage selection
- Double circuit breaker
- Auto reclosing operation Off and On
- Start auto reclosing from circuit breaker open information
- Long trip signal
- first shot
- ARMode = 1ph + 1*2/3ph, 1-phase, 2-phase or 3-phase reclosing in the first shot
- Auto reclosing reclaim timer
- Lock-out initiation
- Evolving fault
- Automatic continuation of the auto reclosing sequence
- Auto recloser settings
- Apparatus control
- Bay control QCBAY
- Switch controller SCSWI
- Switches SXCBR/SXSWI
- Reservation function (QCRSV and RESIN)
- Interaction between modules
- Bay control (QCBAY)
- Switch (SXCBR/SXSWI)
- Reservation input (RESIN)
- Configuration guidelines
- Signals from bypass busbar
- Signals from bus-coupler
- Configuration setting
- Interlocking for bus-coupler bay ABC_BC
- Interlocking for transformer bay AB_TRAFO
- Interlocking for bus-section breaker A1A2_BS
- Interlocking for bus-section disconnector A1A2_DC
- Signals in double-breaker arrangement
- Signals in 1 1/2 breaker arrangement
- Interlocking for busbar earthing switch BB_ES
- Interlocking for double CB bay DB
- Interlocking for 1 1/2 CB BH
- Logic rotating switch for function selection and LHMI presentation SLGAPC
- Scheme communication logic for distance or overcurrent protection ZCPSCH
- Blocking schemes
- Delta blocking scheme
- Permissive schemes
- Intertrip scheme
- Permissive underreaching scheme
- Phase segregated scheme communication logic for distance protection ZC1PPSCH
- Blocking scheme
- Permissive overreach scheme
- Weak-end infeed logic
- Current reversal logic
- Local acceleration logic ZCLCPSCH
- Scheme communication logic for residual overcurrent protection ECPSCH
- Weak-end infeed
- Direct transfer trip logic
- Compensated over and undervoltage protection COUVGAPC
- Sudden change in current variation SCCVPTOC
- Zero sequence overvoltage protection LCZSPTOV
- Negative sequence overcurrent protection LCNSPTOC
- Zero sequence overcurrent protection LCZSPTOC
- Three phase overcurrent LCP3PTOC
- Tripping logic SMPPTRC
- Three-phase tripping
- Single- and/or three-phase tripping
- Single-, two- or three-phase tripping
- Example of directional data
- Blocking of the function block
- Fixed signal function block FXDSIGN
- Boolean 16 to Integer conversion B16I
- Boolean to integer conversion with logical node representation, 16 bit BTIGAPC
- Integer to Boolean 16 conversion IB16
- representation ITBGAPC
- Elapsed time integrator with limit transgression and overflow supervision TEIGAPC
- Comparator for real inputs - REALCOMP
- Measurement
- Zero clamping
- Setting examples
- Gas medium supervision SSIMG
- Liquid medium supervision SSIML
- Breaker monitoring SSCBR
- Event function EVENT
- Disturbance report DRPRDRE
- Recording times
- Binary input signals
- Analog input signals
- Consideration
- Logical signal status report BINSTATREP
- Connection of analog currents
- Limit counter L4UFCNT
- Pulse-counter logic PCFCNT
- Function for energy calculation and demand handling ETPMMTR
- Access point
- Redundant communication
- Merging unit
- Communication protocols
- Receiving data
- IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE communication protocol
- Specific settings related to the IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE communication
- Setting examples for IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE and time synchronization
- IEC 61850 quality expander QUALEXP
- LON communication protocol
- IEC 60870-5-103 communication protocol
- Design
- Settings for RS485 and optical serial communication
- Settings from PCM600
- Function and information types
- DNP3 Communication protocol
- Binary signal transfer
- Communication hardware solutions
- Authority status ATHSTAT
- Change lock CHNGLCK
- Denial of service SCHLCCH/RCHLCCH
- IED identifiers TERMINALID
- Factory defined settings
- Frequency values
- Test mode functionality TESTMODE
- Synchronization
- Process bus IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE synchronization
- Application manual
- Section 25 Requirements
- Conditions
- Fault current
- General current transformer requirements
- Breaker failure protection
- PX, PXR (and old IEC 60044-6, class TPS and old British Standard, class X)
- Voltage transformer requirements
- PTP requirements
- IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE Merging unit requirements
- Section 26 Glossary
importing power that might occur instead of maximum exporting power and therelevant Umin voltage for this condition. Minimum operate currents GUID-5B4DF48C-48ED-433D-92D8-B146E8A8A7E0 v1FRPSPDIS has two current setting parameters, which blocks the respective phase-to-earth loop and phase-to-phase loop if the RMS value of the phase current (ILn)and phase difference current (ILmILn) is below the settable threshold.The threshold to activate the phase selector for phase-to-earth (IMinOpPE) is set tothe default value or a level to securely detect a single line-to-earth fault at thefurthest reach of the phase selection. It is recommended to set IMinOpPP to doublevalue of IMinOpPE.The threshold for opening the measuring loop for phase-to-earth fault(INReleasePE) is set securely detect single line-to-earth fault at remote end on theprotected line. It is recommended to set INBlockPP to double value ofINReleasePE.8.11 Phase selection, quad, fixed angle, loadencroachment FDPSPDIS IP12400-1 v48.11.1 Identification8.11.1.1 Identification M14850-1 v6Function description IEC 61850identificationIEC 60617identificationANSI/IEEE C37.2device numberPhase selection, quad, fixed angle,load encroachmentFDPSPDISZSYMBOL-DD V1 EN-US218.11.2 Application M13138-3 v3The operation of transmission networks today is in many cases close to the stabilitylimit. The ability to accurately and reliably classify the different types of fault, sothat single pole tripping and autoreclosing can be used plays an important role inthis matter. Phase selection with load encroachment function FDPSPDIS isdesigned to accurately select the proper fault loop in the distance measuringfunction depending on the fault type.The heavy load transfer that is common in many transmission networks may insome cases be in opposite to the wanted fault resistance coverage. Therefore, thefunction has a built in algorithm for load encroachment, which gives the possibility1MRK 506 369-UEN B Section 8Impedance protectionLine distance protection REL670 2.2 IEC 325Application manual
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