Setting examples SEMOD54481-4 v5Three setting examples, in connection to Measurement function (CVMMXN), areprovided:• Measurement function (CVMMXN) application for a OHL• Measurement function (CVMMXN) application on the secondary side of atransformer• Measurement function (CVMMXN) application for a generatorFor each of them detail explanation and final list of selected setting parametersvalues will be provided.The available measured values of an IED are depending on theactual hardware (TRM) and the logic configuration made inPCM600.Measurement function application for a 400kV OHL SEMOD54481-12 v11Single line diagram for this application is given in figure 390:400kV Busbar400kV OHLP Q1000/1 AIEC09000039-3-en.vsdxIEDkV31,0/3400IEC09000039-1-EN V3 EN-USFigure 390: Single line diagram for 400kV OHL applicationIn order to monitor, supervise and calibrate the active and reactive power asindicated in figure 390 it is necessary to do the following:1. Set correctly CT and VT data and phase angle reference channelPhaseAngleRef (see Section “Setting of the phase reference channel”) usingPCM600 for analog input channels2. Connect, in PCM600, measurement function to three-phase CT and VT inputs3. Set under General settings parameters for the Measurement function:1MRK 506 369-UEN B Section 18MonitoringLine distance protection REL670 2.2 IEC 769Application manual