function. If tSynchrocheck is set to 0, no synchrocheck is done, before starting thesynchronizing function.The timer tSynchronizing supervises that the signal synchronizing in progress isobtained in SCSWI after start of the synchronizing function. The start signal for thesynchronizing is set if the synchrocheck conditions are not fulfilled. When the timehas expired, the control function is reset, and a cause-code is given. If nosynchronizing function is included, the time is set to 0, which means no start of thesynchronizing function is done, and when tSynchrocheck has expired, the controlfunction is reset and a cause-code is given.tExecutionFB is the maximum time between the execute command signal and thecommand termination. When the time has expired, the control function is reset anda cause-code is given.tPoleDiscord is the allowed time to have discrepancy between the poles at controlof three one-phase breakers. At discrepancy an output signal is activated to be usedfor trip or alarm, and during a command, the control function is reset, and a cause-code is given.SuppressMidPos when On suppresses the mid-position during the timetIntermediate of the connected switches.The parameter InterlockCheck decides if interlock check should be done at bothselect and operate, Sel & Op phase, or only at operate, Op phase. Switch (SXCBR/SXSWI) M16675-3 v8tStartMove is the supervision time for the apparatus to start moving after acommand execution is done from the SCSWI function. When the time has expired,the command supervision is reset, and a cause-code is given.During the tIntermediate time, the position indication is allowed to be in anintermediate (00) state. When the time has expired, the command supervision isreset, and a cause-code is given. The indication of the mid-position at SCSWI issuppressed during this time period when the position changes from open to close orvice-versa if the parameter SuppressMidPos is set to On in the SCSWI function.If the parameter AdaptivePulse is set to Adaptive the command output pulse resetswhen a new correct end position is reached. If the parameter is set to Not adaptivethe command output pulse remains active until the timer tOpenPulsetClosePulsehas elapsed.tOpenPulse is the output pulse length for an open command. If AdaptivePulse is setto Adaptive, it is the maximum length of the output pulse for an open command.The default length is set to 200 ms for a circuit breaker (SXCBR) and 500 ms for adisconnector (SXSWI).tClosePulse is the output pulse length for a close command. If AdaptivePulse is setto Adaptive, it is the maximum length of the output pulse for an open command.1MRK 506 369-UEN B Section 15ControlLine distance protection REL670 2.2 IEC 655Application manual