Section 2 Application2.1 General IED applicationM13636-3 v13The Intelligent Electronic Device (IED) is used for the protection, control andmonitoring of overhead lines and cables in solidly, impedance earthed or isolatednetworks. The IED can be used up to the high voltage levels. It is suitable for theprotection of heavily loaded lines and multi-terminal lines where the requirementfor tripping is one-, two- and/or three-phase. The IED is also suitable as back-upprotection of power transformers, reactors and so on.Distance protection with quadrilateral or mho characteristics is available. The fullscheme distance protection provides protection of power lines with high sensitivityand low requirement on remote end communication. The six zones have fullyindependent measuring and setting which gives high flexibility for all types oflines. Load encroachment and adaptive reach compensation are included.The modern technical solution offers fast operating time of typically less than onecycle.The IED also includes an alternative for use on impedance earthed or isolatednetworks. It includes phase preference logic to select and trip only one line atcross-country faults.The autorecloser for single-, two-, and/or three-phase tripping and autoreclosingincludes priority features for multi-breaker arrangements. It co-operates with thesynchrocheck function with high-speed or delayed reclosing.A high impedance differential protection can be used to protect T-feeders or linereactors.High set instantaneous phase and earth overcurrent, four step directional or non-directional delayed phase and earth overcurrent, sensitive earth fault for not directearthed systems, thermal overload and two step under and overvoltage protectionare examples of the available functions allowing the user to fulfill any applicationrequirement.The distance phase and earth fault protection, and the directional earth overcurrentprotection can communicate with remote end in any teleprotection communicationscheme. With the included remote communication, following the IEEE C37.94standard, up to 192 channels for intertrip and binary signals are available perLDCM communication module in the communication between the IEDs.1MRK 506 369-UEN B Section 2ApplicationLine distance protection REL670 2.2 IEC 41Application manual