QB2OPTR (QB220OTR)(bay 1/sect.B1) S1DC_OPVPS1_DCEXDU_BBen04000496.vsdQB2OPTR (QB220OTR)(bay n/sect.B1). . .. . .. . .VPQB2TR (VQB220TR)(bay 1/sect.B1)VPQB2TR (VQB220TR)(bay n/sect.B1)EXDU_BB (bay 1/sect.B1)EXDU_BB (bay n/sect.B1). . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .&&&IEC04000496 V1 EN-USFigure 342: Signals from any bays in section B1 to a bus-section disconnectorFor a bus-section disconnector, these conditions from the B2 busbar section arevalid:QB2OPTR (QB220OTR)(bay 1/sect.B2) S2DC_OPVPS2_DCEXDU_BBen04000497.vsdQB2OPTR (QB220OTR)(bay n/sect.B2). . .. . .. . .VPQB2TR(VQB220TR) (bay 1/sect.B2)VPQB2TR(VQB220TR) (bay n/sect.B2)VPDCTR (B2/B3)EXDU_BB (bay n/sect.B2). . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .&&&DCOPTR (B2/B3)EXDU_BB (bay 1/sect.B2)EXDU_DC (B2/B3)IEC04000497 V1 EN-USFigure 343: Signals from any bays in section B2 to a bus-section disconnector15.4.6.3 Signals in double-breaker arrangement M13542-80 v5If the busbar is divided by bus-section disconnectors, the condition for the busbardisconnector bay no other disconnector connected to the bus-section must be madeby a project-specific logic.The same type of module (A1A2_DC) is used for different busbars, that is, for bothbus-section disconnector A1A2_DC and B1B2_DC. But for B1B2_DC,corresponding signals from busbar B are used.Section 15 1MRK 506 369-UEN BControl678 Line distance protection REL670 2.2 IECApplication manual