ResetTypeCrvn: This parameter for inverse time characteristic can be set toInstantaneous, Frozen time, Linearly decreased. The default setting isInstantaneous.tIResetn: Reset time for step n if inverse time delay is used, given in s. The defaultvalue is 25 Time multiplier for inverse time characteristic. This parameter is used forcoordination between different inverse time delayed undervoltage protections.ACrvn, BCrvn, CCrvn, DCrvn, PCrvn: Parameters to create a programmable undervoltage inverse time characteristic. Description of this can be found in theTechnical manual.CrvSatn: Tuning parameter that is used to compensate for the undesireddiscontinuity created when the denominator in the equation for the customerprogrammable curve is equal to zero. For more information, see the Technicalmanual.IntBlkSeln: This parameter can be set to Off, Block of trip, Block all. In case of alow voltage the undervoltage function can be blocked. This function can be used toprevent function when the protected object is switched off. If the parameter is setBlock of trip or Block all unwanted trip is prevented.IntBlkStValn: Voltage level under which the blocking is activated set in % ofUBase. This setting must be lower than the setting Un<. As switch of shall bedetected the setting can be very low, that is, about 10%.tBlkUVn: Time delay to block the undervoltage step n when the voltage level isbelow IntBlkStValn, given in s. It is important that this delay is shorter than theoperate time delay of the undervoltage protection step.10.2 Two step overvoltage protection OV2PTOV IP14545-1 v310.2.1 IdentificationM17002-1 v8Function description IEC 61850identificationIEC 60617 identification ANSI/IEEE C37.2device numberTwo step overvoltage protection OV2PTOV3U>SYMBOL-C-2U-SMALLER-THAN V2 EN-US59Section 10 1MRK 506 369-UEN BVoltage protection536 Line distance protection REL670 2.2 IECApplication manual