18.4.3 Setting guidelines GUID-AB93AD9B-E6F8-4F1A-B353-AA1008C15679 v3The breaker monitoring function is used to monitor different parameters of thecircuit breaker. The breaker requires maintenance when the number of operationshas reached a predefined value. For proper functioning of the circuit breaker, it isalso essential to monitor the circuit breaker operation, spring charge indication orbreaker wear, travel time, number of operation cycles and accumulated energyduring arc extinction.Since there is no current measurement in SAM600-IO, evaluationof the following parameters are not possible in the circuit breakercondition monitoring function (SSCBR):• Circuit breaker status• Remaining life of the circuit breaker• Contact erosion estimation• Circuit breaker contact travel timeEnsure that OPENPOS, CLOSEPOS, INVDPOS, CBLIFEAL,IPOWALPH, IPOWLOPH, TRVTOPAL and TRVTCLAL signalsare not used in SAM600–IO. Setting procedure on the IED GUID-4E895FEA-74BF-4B11-A239-0574F8FF5188 v5The parameters for breaker monitoring (SSCBR) can be set via the local HMI orProtection and Control Manager (PCM600).Common base IED values for primary current (IBase), primary voltage (UBase)and primary power (SBase) are set in Global base values for settings functionGBASVAL.GlobalBaseSel: It is used to select a GBASVAL function for reference of basevalues.Operation: On or Off.IBase: Base phase current in primary A. This current is used as reference forcurrent settings.OpenTimeCorr: Correction factor for circuit breaker opening travel time.CloseTimeCorr: Correction factor for circuit breaker closing travel time.tTrOpenAlm: Setting of alarm level for opening travel time.tTrCloseAlm: Setting of alarm level for closing travel time.OperAlmLevel: Alarm limit for number of mechanical operations.1MRK 506 369-UEN B Section 18MonitoringLine distance protection REL670 2.2 IEC 781Application manual