t tINPUTnOUTPUTnIEC09000732-1-en.vsdIEC09000732 V1 EN-USFigure 395: BINSTATREP logical diagram18.7.3 Setting guidelines GUID-BBDA6900-4C1A-4A7C-AEA5-3C49C2749254 v2The pulse time t is the only setting for the Logical signal status report(BINSTATREP). Each output can be set or reset individually, but the pulse timewill be the same for all outputs in the entire BINSTATREP function.18.8 Fault locator LMBRFLO IP14592-1 v218.8.1 IdentificationM14892-1 v3Function description IEC 61850identificationIEC 60617identificationANSI/IEEE C37.2device numberFault locator LMBRFLO - -18.8.2 Application M13752-3 v6The main objective of line protection and monitoring IEDs is fast, selective andreliable operation for faults on a protected line section. Besides this, information ondistance to fault is very important for those involved in operation and maintenance.Reliable information on the fault location greatly decreases the downtime of theprotected lines and increases the total availability of a power system.The fault locator is started with the input CALCDIST to which trip signalsindicating in-line faults are connected, typically distance protection zone 1 andaccelerating zone or the line differential protection. The disturbance report mustalso be started for the same faults since the function uses pre- and post-faultinformation from the trip value recorder function (TVR).Beside this information the function must be informed about faulted phases forcorrect loop selection (phase selective outputs from differential protection, distanceprotection, directional OC protection, and so on). The following loops are used fordifferent types of faults:Section 18 1MRK 506 369-UEN BMonitoring792 Line distance protection REL670 2.2 IECApplication manual