Chapter 5. Statistics61200659L1-1 MX2800 STS-1 User Manual 5-15LOCAL PORT STATISTICSThe MX2800 STS-1 keeps track of L OSS OF S IGNAL A LARMS,B IPOLAR V IOLATION C OUNTS, AIS L OOP A LARMS, and AIS C ARRIERA LARMS for each of the Ports (T1s/E1s) (see Figure 5-13). View thisinformation in one of the three time period selections, or view acumulative alarm count. Information in these fields is for the giventime period (if any) since the last reset. The cumulative alarm countcontinues indefinitely until C LEAR A LL P ORT A LARM C OUNTS(located in each field) is selected.Figure 5-13. Local Port Statistics MenuLoss of Signal AlarmsThe number of times the unit has lost the receive signal on a T1/E1.Bipolar Violation CountsThe number of times the unit has received a bipolar violation.AIS Loop AlarmsThe number of times the T1 has received all ones from the DSX-1interface.