Chapter 7. Circuit and Network Redundancy7-4 MX2800 STS-1 User Manual 61200659L1-1Table 7-1. Configuration Requirements for Circuit RecoveryCIRCUIT AND NETWORK FAILURE RECOVERY MODEIn this mode, two controller cards are installed and connected totwo individual STS-1 lines. This is, of course, the most completemode of redundancy. In this mode, the primary controller card isconnected to the primary STS-1 line and the secondary controllercard is connected to the secondary STS-1 line. The primary cardand line actively transmit data, while the other card and line standby ready to take over if the first card and line fail. For example, ifC ARD A fails, then control switches to C ARD B and NET B.An important feature of the MX2800 STS-1 is its ability tointernally re-route the network connection if a controller card andthe opposite network connection fail. For example, in theillustration given in Figure 7-3, failed NET A is connected tohealthy C ARD A; and healthy NET B is connected to failed C ARD B.Selection Path Recommended SettingConfig > Network Interface > XCV Threshold 1E-3 (see the following note)Config > Network Interface > Network Protection DisabledConfig > Network Interface > Max. Switch Threshold 3Config > Network Interface > Min. Switching Period 10 secondsConfig > T1/E1 Interface > T1/E1 Circuit Protection Enable all or select theT1/E1s that redundantswitching should occur on.Config > T1/E1 Interface > XCV Threshold 1E-3 (see the following note)The XCV Threshold settings are based on the error ratesconsidered acceptable on the STS-1 or DS-1 before switching.