Chapter 3. Configuration61200659L1-1 MX2800 STS-1 User Manual 3-33Power Supply Alarm TrapsSEC EXT ClockStatusa failure condition is encountered on either thePRImary or SECondary clock sources (ifconfigured). The possible values for this alarmare:D ISABLEDN ORMALA VAILABLELOS/AISF AILU NAVAILABLEActivity LossStatusthere is a critical hardware failure in which aclock source has become inactive. TheMX2800 STS-1 continually checks for activityon all of its internal clock sources as part of itsstatus monitoring. If any clock source fails, thecorresponding clock source will be displayedin the status menu and a TRAP/Syslogcondition will be generated. If all clocks areoperating normally, no indication is shown onthe menu. Again, this condition is onlyencountered during a hard card failure and thecustomer should contact ADTRAN technicalsupport if this occurs.Trap If enabled, the unit issues a trap when...Card Removed the power supply card has been removedMalfunction the power supply card is no longer working andthe unit has switched to the backup powersupply or battery backupCard Failure the power supply card has failedPower Low the power supply’s output level is abnormallylowTrap If enabled, the unit issues a trap when...