Chapter 8. Power Loss Recovery61200659L1-1 MX2800 STS-1 User Manual 8-5BATTERY BACKUP MODEWith the installation of the ADTRAN Power Supply/BatteryCharger (PS/BC) and backup battery pack, the MX2800 STS-1 isable to continue operation without service interruption during apower outage. This PS/BC (P/N 4175043L2) provides -48 VDC tothe MX2800 STS-1. It receives 115 VAC through a standard plugand wall socket.The PS/BC maintains the battery at peak charge (-48 V) at all times.If AC power is lost, the unit automatically transfers power to thebattery without interrupting service. When AC power returns, theunit switches back to AC power and recharges the battery. Forinstallation instructions, refer to the guide provided with thePS/BC. See Figure 8-4 for an illustration of this setup..Figure 8-4. Battery Backup SystemWhiteGreenBlackRed- RETPWRFAIL- RETPWRFAILMX2800 STS-1Battery ChargerPower CablePWRFAIL RET PWRFAILMagnified View-48 VDCBackup Battery PackP/N 1175044L1AC Power InputAC/DC Power SupplyBattery Charging UnitP/N 1175043L2NETThe MX2800 STS-1 can operate on a fully-charged battery for fourhours without recharging.