Chapter 3. Configuration3-16 MX2800 STS-1 User Manual 61200659L1-1Idle TimeoutAfter establishing a call and sending trap messages, the MX2800STS-1 remains online for the amount of seconds entered in thisfield. If the field is set to 0, the unit hangs up as soon as the trap issent.Connection TimeoutThe MX2800 STS-1 waits for a connection the amount of secondsentered in this field. Timing begins as soon as the dial command isissued. This field must be set for greater than 20 seconds.Pause Between CallsThe MX2800 STS-1 waits between redial attempts the number ofseconds entered in this field.Dialout On TrapEnable or disable the MX2800 STS-1’s ability to dial out to reporttraps. MODEM MODE configured for VT-100 reports error conditionsin plain ASCII with the following information:• The Unit ID value programmed in the EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATIONportion of the S YSTEM M ANAGEMENT screen (see SystemManagement on page 3-13)• A trap code indicating the error condition• A text description of the fault• The date and time when the error was loggedWhen M ODEM MODE is configured for PPP or SLIP, the MX2800STS-1 logs into the PPP/SLIP host and reports the error conditionsto the hosts designated under T RAP IP A DDRESSES (see Trap IPAddresses on page 3-25).Answer on RingEnable or disable the MX2800 STS-1’s ability to accept incomingcalls. If enabled, incoming calls are automatically answered by theMX2800 STS-1, allowing you to remotely perform managementfunctions.