Chapter 3. Configuration61200659L1-1 MX2800 STS-1 User Manual 3-15Figure 3-10. Dialup Options MenuPrimary and Secondary Phone NumbersWhen the MX2800 STS-1 dials out to send a trap, it first dials theP RIMARY P HONE NUMBER. If the call is unsuccessful, it tries theS ECONDARY PHONE N UMBER. Attempts between the two numberscontinue until a call is established and the trap is reported (or untileach number’s maximum for redial attempts is reached; seeMaximum Redial Attempts below).Initializing StringThe AT command entered in this field is used to initialize themodem. Normally, this field should be left at the default setting(ATZ).Dial StringThe AT command entered in this field causes the modem to dialout. Normally, this field should be left at the default setting(ATDT).Maximum Redial AttemptsThe MX2800 STS-1 attempts to establish a call the number of timesentered in this field. If a successful call is not established after thefinal attempt, the MX2800 STS-1 discards the trap messages.