B-4DuraLAN Fast Ethernet NICs User’s GuideTwo- and four-port NICs use a PCI-to-PCI bridge chip. If yoursystem BIOS does not support the PCI-to-PCI bridge chip, theseNICs will not be configured properly. Contact your computermanufacturer to obtain a new BIOS version that supports the PCI-to-PCI bridge chip.Frequently Asked QuestionsDuralink64 Software and DuraLAN NICs –General Questions What is Duralink64 v5.x software?Adaptec's innovative Duralink64 software includes Duralink64standard drivers, Port Aggregation, and Failover. This softwareis supported by Adaptec's DuraLAN 32-bit and 64-bit NICs.Duralink64 Port Aggregation software makes it possible toaggregate the outbound bandwidth of 2 to 12 Fast Ethernet portsinto one virtual network interface for up to 1.2 Gigabits/sec oftotal throughput per workgroup. Duralink64 Failover Softwareoffers FDDI-like port resiliency for optimum availability, andsafe, fault-tolerant Fast Ethernet networks. How do the standard drivers, Port Aggregation, andFailover differ?The Duralink64 standard driver is the minimum softwarerequired for DuraLAN NICs. Duralink64 Port Aggregationsoftware groups up to 12 Fast Ethernet ports onto a singleaggregated connection operating up to 1.2 Gigabits/sec perworkgroup. Duralink Failover software is an application thatautomatically reacts to preserve a network connection if anEthernet link fails. Which Adaptec NICs support the Duralink64 v5.x softwaresuite?Adaptec's Duralink64 standard, Port Aggregation, and Failoverdrivers are supported by the ANA-6x011/TX,ANA-6x022, and ANA-6x044.